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A blog by Orlando Baez


Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah, science!

Aug 8, 2015

This is glass grade. I mean, you got… Jesus, you got crystals in here 2 inches, 3 inches long. This is pure glass. You’re a damn artist! This is art, Mr. White! Yeah, that’s the thing, y’know? Your scumbag brother-in-law took my rainy day fund. Oh yeah. And tell that douche bag brother-in-law of yours to go towards the light.


I handle the business operations

Aug 8, 2015

Has your condition worsened? Your medical condition, has it grown worse? Is there a ringing in your ears? Are you seeing bright lights or hearing voices? No, clearly you are not. No rational person would do as you have done. Explain yourself. Are you asking me if I ordered the murder of a child? Where is Pinkman now.


Because I say so

Aug 8, 2015

What am I eighth grade hall monitor? Current whereabouts? Let me tell you something, Mike. There are rules to this lawyer thing. Attorney client privilege, that’s a big one. That’s something I provide for you!


I am the one who knocks

Aug 7, 2015

I have been waiting. I’ve been waiting all day. Waiting for Gus to send one of his men to kill me. And it’s you. Who do you know, who’s okay with using children, Jesse? Who do you know… who’s allowed children to be murdered… hmm? Gus! He has, he has been ten steps ahead of me at every turn.


Let's parse some CSS, deal with it.

Aug 6, 2015

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve --watch.